January 10, 2012

Lighting Placement for Chromakey

Chroma keying is a technique for compositing (layering) a combination of two images or vidoe simultaneously in one impression. Commonly used colors are blue and green. Typically used in broadcast television, especially on broadcast weatherforecast estimates. and in making a movie production house, for example flying scenes.

This process is usually done if it does not allow images taken or shoting because ofthe location, or limitations of the tool. so it is done in the studio
The first step:
Preparing theme (video or photo) that are suitable and appropriate to fill thebackground (without player / artist).

The second step:
setting up studios, also a player,

The third step:
set background color (green and blue) as the background of the players

the last step:
combine video or photograph the first time (without player / artist), with video orphotographs that have been produced (by the player / artist)

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